_ cloud _
A series of close-up, black and white photographs of knots I create using an old pair of headphone wires. Like an updated and equally ambiguous Rorschach test, it functions as an ongoing practice for me to see and consider the many and increasing ways we are bound up, twisted into, and shaped by technologies of communication, patterns of material consumption, and the allures of immaterial experience.
On Media Meteorology
Jussi Parikka, introduction to The Gathering Cloud (Uniformbooks, 2017), by J.R. Carpenter.
It Was Raining in the Data Center
Everest Pipkin, 2018
This essay a significant, critical, and evocative reading of our situation.
On the pretenses and labor of personal archiving, legacy maintenance, and just taking up space
Andrew Molitor, Archiving, 2019.
Ooof. This one hurt to read the first time. Now I keep a print out of these words taped near my Synology DS918+.