Every Studio at the Sunset Art Mall
Amarillo, TX 2013. After Ed Ruscha. This work is presented as both a panorama for side scrolling and as individual thumbnails for detailed enlargements (Martial Arts!).
12 Sunsets, Getty Center, 2021
Every Building on the Sunset Strip, 1966. Ed Ruscha
Art Focus Oklahoma
Sept/Oct 2013. I had the opportunity to share images from the experience and write a feature for Art Focus Oklahoma magazine.
“I watched them walking away from the vans towards abandoned lots, crouching over dry dirt and grass looking for evidence of an old gas pump, displaying artifacts that they found (left-behind clothes, destroyed suitcases, a handwritten box of restaurant receipts, empty bottles of wine, a skateboard).”
That’s Ed Ruscha!
Two guys from Oklahoma at the other guy’s studio.