As a Filipino American who is grateful for the life and good fortune I’ve enjoyed in America, I’ve been inspired by others who are challenging themselves, their friends, and their families to take stock of their values and how they choose—every single day—to enact them. Through them and others, I’m beginning to recognizing how my largely silent, passive non-racist attitude/outlook—which I understood as positive, or at least not harmful—has made me complicit in supporting a status quo that continues to damage the lives of Black individuals, families, and communities in this country.
Since high school I’ve always held in high esteem the idea I first learned from reading Emerson: that personal reform is social reform. I still draw strength and inspiration from that conviction, which is why I’m showing these images and linking to these resources. But it is frighteningly clear that such a romantic commitment—so heavily weighted towards the poetic burden of transformative private acts by the individual—can be both indulgent and self satisfying. It is also not social reform. Rather, I’m drawn today to the more direct and still poetic idea attributed to Dr. Cornel West, one that’s finding new life and meaning on and off the Internet: